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2-10 Victoria Street East
Lidcombe, NSW, 2141

0410 000 112

Family-owned and operated, Flowers on East is conveniently located in Lidcombe-Rookwood so that we can deliver your flowers fresh and fast.

With over 30 years combined experience we know fresh and beautiful flowers and arrangements for any occasion. We look forward to providing you a way to express your feelings to those you hold dear.


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Romantic Vase of Roses (1/2 Dozen)

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Vday Vase 6.jpg

Romantic Vase of Roses (1/2 Dozen)


This perfect Posy of 6 deluxe Roses nestled in fragrant foliage is timeless. Stunningly sitting in a reusable vintage Vase, complimented by accented lace ribbon. Makes a practical & very on trend gift. Right romance!

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